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Aims and Scope (basic principles): publication of basic scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doc. and PhD. of Engineering and Physico-Mathematical sciences; informing of the international scientific community about the results of scientific researches in the field of artificial intelligence; publication of research papers, reviews and comments on the journal subject area.

    Subject area of the journal:
  1. Philosophical and methodological aspects and concepts of artificial intelligence development.
  2. Mathematical modeling of artificial intelligence systems.
  3. Tools and technological basis of artificial intelligence systems.
  4. Principles of systems analysis, information management and processing in intelligent systems.
  5. Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems.
  6. Intelligent voice technologies. Natural language texts electronic processing and semantic search.
  7. Intelligent interfaces and pattern recognition. Digital image processing systems.
  8. Intelligent systems of planning, management, modeling and decision-making.
  9. Methods and systems of information security.
  10. Intelligent tutors and expert systems.
  11. Neural networks and neural network technologies.
  12. Cognitive psychology.
  13. Cognitive systems and technologies.
  14. Bioinspired methods of AI algorithms.
  15. Ontologies in artificial intelligence.
  16. Standardization and quality management of artificial intelligence systems.
  17. Metrological assurance of artificial intelligence systems.
  18. Reviews and comments.
  19. AI news. AI history.
  20. Information about conferences (announcements of scientific developments, reports and materials).

Title of the periodical publication: Problems of Artificial Intelligence

Original title of the periodical: Problemy Iskusstvennogo Intellekta (Проблемы искусственного интеллекта)

ISSN 2413-7383

Type of the publication: International peer-reviewed scientific journal

Founder and publisher: State Institution «Institute of Problems of Artificial Intelligence».

Scope and category of readers: nationwide and overseas.

Readership: scientists, research and teaching officers, postgraduates, doctoral candidates, manufacturers.

Language policy: Russian, Ukrainian, English.

Frequency: 4 times a year.

Form of journal distribution: subscription.

Subscription code of the state-owned enterprise “Post of Donbass”: 28037 (for all subscriber groups).

Journal distribution area: Donetsk People’s Republic, countries of near and far abroad.

Characteristics of the periodical:

Paper size: А4.

Number of pages: 300.

International peer-reviewed theoretical journal “Problems of Artificial Intelligence” (“Problemy Iskusstvennogo Intellekta”), ISSN 2413-7383 registered in a scientometric database the – license agreement № 306-05/2016 from 25 May 2016.