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Kharlamov Alexander
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, RAS, Moscow;
Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow
HSE University, Moscow
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow Region, RF
Research interests: neuroinformatics, semantic representations, automatic text processing, integrated robots, physiology of sensory systems

Samaev Eugeniy
NPP Garant-Service-Universitet, Moscow

Kuznetsov Dmitriy
Positive Technologies, Moscow

Pantiukhin Dmitriy
MIREA - Russian Technological University, Moscow
Area of interest: neural network, neurocomputer, neuromorphic devices, memristor, information security, neural network management system, computer vision, natural language processing

UDC 528.013
DOI 10.34757/2413-7383.2023.30.3.001
Language: English

Annotation: Text as an image is analyzed in the human visual analyzer. In this case, the image is scanned along the points of the greatest informativity, which are the inflections of the contours of the equitextural areas, into which the image is roughly divided. In the case of text analysis, individual characters of the alphabet are analyzed in this wayNext, the text is analyzed as repetitive language elements of varying complexity. Dictionaries of level-forming elements of varying complexity are formed, the top of which is the level of acceptable com-patibility of the root stems of words (names) in sentences of the text, that is, the semantic level. The level of semantics represented by pairs of root stems is virtually a homo-geneous directed semantic network. Re-ranking the weights of the network vertices corresponding to the root stems of individual names, as occurs in the hippocampus, makes it possible to move from the frequency characteristics of the network to their semantic weights. Such networks can be used to analyze texts that represent them: one can compare them with each other, c lassify and use to identify the most significant parts of texts (generate abstracts of texts), etc.

Keywords: text analysis; language model; neural network; transformer model; semantic analysis of texts; artificial neural networks based on neurons with temporal summation of signals; language levels; semantic level; TextAnalyst technology for semantic text analysis; applications.я.

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Issues: 3(30)'2023
Section: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control
Cite: Kharlamov, A. SEMANTIC TEXT ANALYSIS USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS BASED ON NEURAL-LIKE ELEMENTS WITH TEMPORAL SIGNAL SUMMATION // A. Kharlamov, E. Samaev, D. Kuznetsov и др. // Проблемы искусственного интеллекта. - 2023. № 3 (30). - doi: 10.34757/2413-7383.2023.30.3.001