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K.Y. Moskalyov
Russian Technological University – MIREA 119454, CFD, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 78
Research interests: artificial intelligence systems

S.S. Antsyferov

Russian Technological University – MIREA 119454, CFD, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 78
Research interests: artificial intelligence systems

K.N. Fazilova

Russian Technological University – MIREA 119454, CFD, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 78
Research interests: artificial intelligence systems

UDC 005.6
DOI 10.34757/2413-7383.2023.31.4.002
Annotation: This article analyzes scientific sources devoted to the study of adaptive organizational structures and their impact on adaptive quality. The paper studies various models of organizational structures, and improving adaptive quality. The factors influencing the successful adaptation of an organization to changing environmental conditions are considered. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in the field of adaptive organizational structures and quality management. Keywords: adaptability, organizational structures, quality

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Issues: 4(31)'2023
Section: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control
Cite: Moskalyov, K.Y. ISSUES OF ADAPTATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES AND PRODUCT QUALITY OF ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES // K.Y. Moskalyov, S.S. Antsyferov, K.N. Fazilova // Проблемы искусственного интеллекта. - 2023. № 4 (31). - 12-19. - doi: 10.34757/2413-7383.2023.31.4.002