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V.N. Belovodskiy
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Donetsk National Technical University", Donetsk
Research interests: modeling of technical systems, nonlinear dynamics, fractals and mathematical design, neural networks

UDC 519.6
DOI 10.34757/2413-7383.2023.31.4.006
Language: Russian
Annotation:The article analyzes the prospect of using neural networks for construction of attraction areas of periodic regimes of nonlinear dynamic systems. A single-mass scheme of a nonlinear vibration machine with asymmetric elastic ties and its oscillations in the subharmonic resonance zone of the order of 1:2 are considered. For the selected system parameters, two stable periodic regimes were detected in this zone. In paper, the construction of a two-layer neural network is fulfilled, its training is carried out and for certain initial points of the phase space with use of this neural network the character of the behavior of their orbits is diagnosed. The results are encouraging.
Keywords: single-mass vibrating machine, inertial vibration drive, working body, elastic ties

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Issues: 4(31)'2023
Section: Math modeling
Cite: Belovodskiy, V.N. ON USE OF NEURAL NETWORKS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ATTRACTION BASINS OF PERIODIC REGIMES OF NONLINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEMS // V.N. Belovodskiy // Проблемы искусственного интеллекта. - 2023. № 4 (31). - 56-67. - doi: 10.34757/2413-7383.2023.31.4.006